Smart Cash Flow

Invest in a smart strategy designed to preserve your capital and create a new income stream, all powered by real estate.

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Shield in front of hypothetical real estate assets


Passive Income

Annualized net return rate

Payout Frequency


Our risk grade


Not crypto. Real assets.

Generate higher returns with lower risk assets

Hypothetical real estate assetHypothetical real estate assetHypothetical real estate asset

Making money in today’s world is hard. We’ve designed our Cash Flow strategy to help you keep the value of your hard earned money and to build a new income stream, all backed by private real estate.

Chart demonstrating the volatility of public markets and stability of private markets

Chart is for illustrative purposes only
and is not representative of the market.
Important disclosures about the data above.

Real estate can make a difference.

Built for times like these

Investing is hard. Private real estate (debt & equity) can offer a hedge against times like these. Here are some reasons why we believe it can help you:

Inflation Hedge

Reduced volatility

Stable income streams

Actively managed so you focus on living your life.

Durable passive income

Real assets power your returns

Each dollar you invest is typically overcollateralized by 130%+ of present private market real estate value in an effort to protect your principal.

We work in your best interest

We consider your needs before ours. We are held to a higher standard than many other private equity fund managers as a registered investment advisor with the SEC.

Strong track record

We’ve paid consistent weekly returns on a weekly basis over the last few years.

A man using a mobile application with a chart of his weekly dividends standing in front of a hypothetical real estate asset.

Our unique blend

A pie chart with 75% taken up by short-term debt and 25% taken up by mid-term equity

Target Allocations

Debt: Short-Term Notes


Equity: Mid-term Hold Targets


We like to invest primarily in exclusive short-term private credit notes that are backed with real estate that’s worth more than what we put in.

Proprietary sourcing

We employ a rigorous process with proprietary techniques when sourcing, underwriting and making investments. We hold ourselves to a high standard, which allows us to identify opportunities with great potential risk-adjusted returns.

Description of our process. We consider the people and the team, the strategy of the investment, the location and the market, and what is happening in the broader economy.

People & Team

Whether it’s a borrower or a sponsoring team, we take into account their execution history, financial situation and knowledge of the strategy. This is paramount in our consideration of investments.

Location & Market

Markets are unique. We ensure that the asset, strategy and location are complimentary and achievable to minimize the opportunity risks.


This is critical to the success of an investment. We stress test multiple scenarios to ensure that the investment objectives have a high probability of success given the timing.


We constantly monitor what is happening in the broader economy and the local market to assess near-term and long-term risks.

Explore our properties

Our app on the property screen for the Sanctuary property.

Get the app to view the portfolio

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Experience that speaks for itself.

Let us do the heavy lifting.

Sean Hsieh

Sean Hsieh

Chris Carsley

Chris Carsley

Jordan Levy

Jordan Levy

Chris Garnett

Chris Garnett

Brad Shain

Brad Shain

James Wong

James Wong

Jeff Rakow

Jeff Rakow

Our team brings experts from the real estate industry combined with technology, finance and wealth management to ensure that you and your money is in good hands.

Over $10b in aggregate asset management experience.

Our money is on the line too.

Join over 40,000 smart members

Invest in tomorrow with a fully managed & transparent private real estate portfolio.

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